The Optional Control System continuously monitors and maintains a constant product level above the plates, based on the incoming rate of feed. In cases where thermal oil or hot water is used as a heating medium, the target set-point temperature will also be maintained.
Temperature is regulated by steam pressure (in the case of high pressure steam) or by a hot fluid mixing valve. The valve position is determined by the product discharge temperature. The inlet temperature is also displayed for reference.
Product retention time is maintained by a continuous level control system. An inlet hopper sensor determines the variable position of the discharge slide gate. As the product level varies above or below a preset target, the slide gate will open or close proportionally. This, along with a mass-flow discharge design, ensures a constant retention time within the heating area, and a smooth discharge flow equivalent to the incoming flow.
The optional control panel is housed in a NEMA 4 enclosure with front panel operator controls. The continuous digital displays include target discharge temperature, actual inlet and discharge temperatures, gate position, and inlet product level. Remote communication is possible with existing PLC’s. Manual back up controls are built into the panel.